WAF is dedicated to the rescue, care, and rehabilitation of sick, injured, or orphaned wildlife, and aims to return every animal that is capable of survival back to its natural environment. Considering that WAF takes in up to 80 animals per day, that goal is no small task. Three decades after Simon Cowell started this charity, he still goes out in the middle of the night on rescues. But despite his relentless passion and dedication to his work, even Simon is not immune to the effects of aging. If he had his way, Simon would never stop. “I’d go for 200 years; give me 300 years!”. And an extra century of Simon’s work wouldn’t just make him happy, it would be a gift to the environment and the community. People like Simon show why the most rewarding thing that science can do for humanity is to promote healthy life extension. What could be better than more years of active life, doing the things you love?
Dr. Patricia Wolff runs the charity Meds and Foods for Kids (MFK) and here she talks about the important work she does in helping impoverished kids and what a longer life thanks to science would mean for them and her.
Dr. Vakoch targets TRAPPIST-1, a star 40 light years away for a message. Any response would come long after he was dead. But what if he could live longer and see if there was a reply?
Kids & Life Extension - 1st Place Longevity Alliance Film Competition
8 Years On - 2nd Place Longevity Alliance Film Competition
THE LAST GENERATION TO DIE - Longevity Feature Film
The Last Generation to Die - Short Film Trailer
The Last Generation to Die - Short Film Kickstarter Pitch
Apeiron Life - Fictional Aging Commercial from the sci-fi film The Last Generation to Die